Let Christmas begin!

Here at House of Wool and Cotton we are preparing ourselves for the cosiest time of the year! Getting all the old X-mas decoration is a tradition and is part of the fun, but getting new selected items to make this period even more memorable is a very pleasant thing to do. We got some beautiful items, check them out!

Guardian angels

About 3 years ago, my daughter asked me to make her a guardian angel. It was my first time working with merino wool and I felt in love! It's a combination of the softness of the wool with being able to make anything imaginable. Now my daughter and son have quite a collection of guardian angels :) and I made some for our season table, they are just so colourful and peaceful. And with the festivities I always hang one too.

Awesome autumn!

The gnomes are all ready for this magical period! Are you ready too?

Get some awesome looking gnomes, check our shop!